--> ETM srl - JData

ETM srl



Etm srl is a historic Milanese company that has been in the wedding favor business since 1919. Today it is an industry leader, boasting a vast network of markets covering both domestic and foreign contexts.


Its capillary organization allows it to be actively present at all stages of product realization, from creation to distribution.





To support ETM srl in the management and control of the warehouse, we decided to install a radio frequency system within the facility. This organization allows a wireless communication mode, capable of transferring information without the use of wires but through electromagnetic signals.


The implementation of the system was the result of several inspections that allowed for the best study of the business environment and to offer the most suitable service for the company’s needs. In addition to the installation, J-Data also handled the configuration of the Access Points, adding the ability to supervise warehouse movements in real time.


In order to optimize performance and control over movements, a supply of hardware tools, including terminals and barcode printers, in line with the previously placed wireless installation was also planned.